sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

I spent for Love

When my parents were dating there was a time in which they had to part, the reason was that my mother was returning home with his family. She says that after this no longer communicating, even though at the time the calls were not economic. As she worked, preferred not to buy a pair of shoes or leave a treat for both remain in contact.

The truth is that when you love does not measure costs, effort and sacrifice. Doing this is not a burden, rather it is a pleasure and you could even say a necessity, as if for yourself, for it is said that one is just ready to get married when their purpose is not to be happy, but in make the other person happy.

And me with the most gladly spend and even I myself love spent for your souls, though the more abundantly, am I loved the less. 2 Corinthians 12:15

If we understand that love, we understand that Paul loved immensely to the people God gave you. He mentions that he did not care to spend their stuff or even wear it himself for love. It also clarifies that no matter if the end is not reciprocated or love him less, what happens with Paul is that really knew true love and that's all I could give to others.

But God showed great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 (NLT)

And now, more clearly we can see that God loved purely, the son of God became the son of man, that thou art the son of God, became weak be strong for you to receive strength, being king left his throne for you can be part of royalty. So great was his love that made all this when we were still in sin. He thought of himself, he thought of you.

If you are not showing love to people it is more likely that you have not known that pure love, the love that Christ showed us on the cross. If you do not show love to God striving to read his word, desgastándote to pray or fast, it is more likely that your love has cooled, you must understand that without love we are nothing and it is pointless to continue without knowing God.

Remember: Love exists because God exists!

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